Board Meetings 2021

Click on a month to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

Public comment can be provided to the Board in writing 24 hours prior to the meeting via our reception mailbox:

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Board Meetings held during the Legislative Session are intended to provide Trustees with updates on legislative and administrative activities. Updates will be made as bill numbers become available. 

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Legislative Update
    • LEOFF 2 Bills
    • Other Bills of Interest
  2. Administrative Update

Full Packet | Audio| Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Board Meetings held during the Legislative Session are intended to provide Trustees with updates on legislative and administrative activities. Updates will be made as bill numbers become available. 

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted. 


  1. Legislative Update
    • LEOFF 2 Bills
    • Other Bills of Interest
  2. Administrative Update
    • Agency Move

Full Packet | Audio| Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Board Meetings held during the Legislative Session are intended to provide Trustees with updates on legislative and administrative activities. Updates will be made as bill numbers become available. 

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted. 


  1. Legislative Update
    • LEOFF 2 Bills
    • Other Bills of Interest
  2. Administrative Update
    • Agency Move

Full Packet | Audio| Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted. 


  1. Approval of December 2020 through March 2021 Minutes
  2. Session Review
  3. Interim Planning
  4. Administrative Update

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Approval of April 2021 Minutes
  2. Interim Workplan Approval
  3. SB 5453 (2021) Benefit Improvement Educational Briefing
  4. Law Enforcement Officer's Demographic Impact Study Follow-up
  5. Administrative Update
  6. Possible Executive Session
  7. Confirmation of General Wage Increase (2021-2023 Operating Budget)

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Approval of May 2021 Minutes
  2. DRS Catastrophic Disability Administration
  3. Benefit Improvement Account - Educational Follow-up
  4. Survivor Option Reelection - Follow-up
  5. Roth 457 / Deferred Compensation Plan Option - Initial Consideration
  6. Administrative Update

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Approval of June 2021 Minutes
  2. Benefit Improvement Account Educational Follow-up
  3. 2021-2023 Budget Adoption
  4. Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset Educational Briefing
  5. Administrative Update
    • Outreach Activities

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Approval of July 2021 Minutes
  2. Department of Retirement Systems Benchmarking
  3. Report on Financial Condition (Office of the State Actuary)
  4. Recommendation of Long-term Economic Assumptions (Office of the State Actuary)
  5. Office of the Attorney General Board Training
  6. Board Officer Elections
  7. Administrative Update
    • Outreach Activities
  8. Interruptive Military Service Credit
  9. Benefit Improvement Account Educational Follow-up
  10. Survivor Option Reelection Follow-up

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Board Governance Challenges
  2. Paying for a Benefit Improvement using the Benefit Improvement Account
  3. Managing Contribution Rate Stability
  4. Board Expectations
  5. 2022 Proposed Meeting Dates

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.


  1. Approval of September 2021 Minutes
  2. WSIB Annual Update
  3. Tiered Multiplier Benefit Improvement
  4. Interruptive Military Service Credit
  5. 2020 Actuarial Valuation Results
  6. Roth Deferred Compensation Option
  7. Administrative Update
  8. Economic Assumption Adoption
  9. 2022 Meeting Calendar Adoption

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a virtual board meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Following Proclamation 20-28 by Governor Inslee, the meeting will only be accessible by video conference (via computer) or teleconference (phone/audio only). Physical in-person attendance is not permitted.

Materials and how to attend will be posted the Monday before each meeting.


  1. Approval of October and November 2021 Minutes
  2. Financial Expenditure Audit Results
  3. DRS Annual Update
  4. Roth Deferred Compensation Option
  5. Tiered Multiplier Benefit Improvement (updated 12/21/21)
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Possible Executive Session
    • Review Performance of a Public Employee

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes