The 2025 Legislative Session will commence on Monday, January 13th and is expected to conclude on Sunday, April 27th.
Information regarding Legislation having an impact on LEOFF Plan 2 is posted to this web page as it becomes available.
For general legislative information, bills not listed on this site, please visit the Washington State Legislature.
Board Endorsed Bill
- Concerning the purchase of pension service credit for authorized leaves of absence. (HB 1349 | SB 5306)
Allows members of LEOFF 2 to purchase Authorized Leave of Absence Purchase Service Credit when they retire instead of returning to work after the authorized leave of absence.
Jan 16 - First reading, referred to Appropriations.
Jan 23 - Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations 4pm
Jan 27 - Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Appropriations 4pm
Jan 29 - Referred to Rules 2 Review
Feb 5 - Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
Feb 6 - Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. Third reading, passed; yeas, 94; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 4. (View Roll Calls)
Feb 7 - First reading, referred to Ways & Means (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
Jan 16 - First reading, referred to Ways & Means.
Jan 23 - Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means 4pm
Feb 6 - Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 4:00 PM. (Committee Materials) WM - Majority; do pass. (Majority Report)
Feb 7 - Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Board Supported Bill
- Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies. (HB 1312 | SB 5114)
In the month a retiree passes away, the benefit payment is prorated based on the number of days the person was alive in the month. If the retiree had already received their pension, the Department of Retirement Systems must collect the partial overpayment from the retiree’s beneficiary or estate. This bill provides a retiree’s beneficiary or estate a full month’s benefit for the month a retiree or survivor passes away.
By Request: Select Committee on Pension Policy
Jan 15 - First reading, referred to Appropriations.
Jan 27 - Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations 4pm
Dec 23 - Prefiled for introduction.
Jan 13 - First reading, referred to Ways & Means.
Jan 23 - Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means 4pm
Other Bills of Interest
- LEOFF 1 / LEOFF 2 Merger
OFM has shared the proposed LEOFF 1/LEOFF 2 merger (Z-0174.4) and has given permission for it to be posted on the LEOFF 2 website. The bill has not been given a bill number at this time. Our website will be updated with that bill number as soon as it is available.
Here is a high-level summary of what the bill does:
· The bill creates a LEOFF 1 Annuity that matches existing LEOFF 1 benefits and provides that the new annuity will be used to pay LEOFF 1 members beginning in June 2026.
· 125% of the assets that are projected to be necessary to pay for the LEOFF 1 Annuity are transferred from LEOFF 1 to a new LEOFF Benefit Reserve Account which is a subaccount in the LEOFF 2 Retirement Fund. In the event that the assets are insufficient the state will guarantee the payments.
· The assets in the LEOFF Benefit Reserve Account will not affect the funded ratio or contribution rates for LEOFF 2.
· After the transfer, LEOFF PLAN 1 is terminated and $1 billion of the remaining surplus assets is transferred to the State General Fund.
· Any remaining surplus assets are transferred to the LEOFF Benefit Reserve Account.
· The bill does not provide any new benefits for LEOFF 1 or LEOFF 2 and does not provide any assets for LEOFF employers.
· If the IRS rules that the merger and/or termination is improper the state is required to take whatever remedial measures are necessary so that LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 remain qualified plans.
- Concerning automatic deferred compensation enrollment for county, municipal, and other political subdivision employees. (HB 1270)
Authorizes local governments operating deferred compensation programs to automatically enroll new employees, unless the employee opts out.
By Request: Department of Retirement Systems
January 23 - Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations 4pm.
January 27 - Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Appropriations 4pm.
Jan 29 -Referred to Rules 2 Review.
Feb 5 - Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
Feb 6 - Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. Third reading, passed; yeas, 95; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 3. (View Roll Calls)
Feb 7 - First reading, referred to Ways & Means (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
- Closed Retirement Plans (SB 5085)
Concerning three of Washington state's closed retirement plans.
Jan 13 - First reading, referred to Ways & Means.
Jan 23 - Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means 4pm
Feb 13 - Scheduled for Executive session in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 4pm
- 2025-2027 Operating Budget (HB 1198 | SB 5167)
Fully funds LEOFF Plan 2 contribution rates.
Governor Inslee’s proposed budget includes a merger of LEOFF 1 with LEOFF 2 and a transfer of $1 Billion from the LEOFF 1 Trust Fund to the State General Fund. More details of the proposal are available here.
Jan 13 - Scheduled for a hearing in House Appropriations 4pm.
Jan 8 - Prefiled for introduction.
Jan 13 - First reading, referred to Ways & Means. (View Original Bill)
Jan 14 - Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 4:00 PM. (Committee Materials)
- Removing qualifiers related to the presumption of occupational disease for heart problems.(HB 1571)
This bill removes the requirement, for presumptive occupational disease in firefighters, that a heart problem occurs within 72 hours of certain exposures or 24 hours of strenuous firefighting activities.
Jan 24 - First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards.
Feb 5 - Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards at 8am