Unless otherwise noted, Board meetings during the legislative interim are held the fourth Wednesday of each month from 9:30am to approximately 12pm.
Board meetings are accessible in person, or by video/tele conference via TEAMS. Agendas are made available 1 week prior to meetings. Information for accessing the virtual meeting will be posted with meeting materials 2 days prior.
Public comment can be provided to the Board in writing 24 hours prior to the meeting via our reception mailbox: recep@leoff.wa.gov.
Materials are posted in portable document format (PDF) and require Adobe Acrobat, or comparable software to view. Other versions made available upon request. Board meetings are recorded and posted to YouTube. A link to each audio file and full Board meeting packet can also be located at the bottom of each meeting page.
* During legislative session, Board meetings are typically limited to a director’s presentation of legislative and administrative updates. This is to accommodate the incredibly busy session schedules of our stakeholders and legislative trustees. These meetings also begin at 9:30am, however, their length is significantly shorter.