Board Meetings 2024

Click on a month to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


  1. Legislative Update
    • Board Endorsed Bills
    • Board Supported Bills
    • Other Bills of Interest
  2. Administrative Update
    • Stakeholder Outreach
    • Budget Update

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


Legislative Update

  • Board Endorsed Bills
  • Other Bills of Interest

Administrative Update

  • Stakeholder Outreach
  • Trustee Education | NCPERS

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


  1. Approval of December 2023 - February 2023 Minutes
  2. Legislative Session Review
  3. Interim Planning Preview
  4. Administrative Update

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


  1. Approval of March 2024 Minutes
  2. 2023-2025 Operating Budget
  3. Interim Planning Preview
  4. Administrative Update
  5. Public Comment

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


  1. Approval of April 2024 Minutes
  2. Contribution Rate Setting Overview
  3. 2024 Interim Adoption
  4. Duty Disability Health Insurance Benefit Overview
  5. Administrative Update
  6. Public Comment

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.


  1. Approval of May 29, 2024 Minutes
  2. 2023 Preliminary LEOFF 2 Actuarial Valuation Results
  3. Salary Setting Responsibility
  4. Standby Pay - Initial Consideration
  5. Fiduciary Training - Open Public Meetings Act
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Public Comment

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes


The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board held a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 9:30 AM.


  1. Approval of June 17 Minutes
  2. LEOFF 2 Board Actuarial Audit – Milliman
  3. Contribution Rate Adoption
  4. Board for Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers
  5. Part-time Fire Fighter/Reserve Officer Employment - Initial Presentation
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Public Comment

Full Packet | Audio

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board has voted to cancel the August meeting. The next regular meeting is September 25, 2024.

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

The Board meeting is accessible to members of the public online via Microsoft Teams (Teams), telephonically, or in person at 2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502. LEOFF Board members, presenters, and staff may attend Board meetings and Administrative Committee meetings in person or remotely.

Materials and how to attend will be posted the Monday before each meeting.

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

The Board meeting is accessible to members of the public online via Microsoft Teams (Teams), telephonically, or in person at 2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502. LEOFF Board members, presenters, and staff may attend Board meetings and Administrative Committee meetings in person or remotely.

Materials and how to attend will be posted the Monday before each meeting.

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

The Board meeting is accessible to members of the public online via Microsoft Teams (Teams), telephonically, or in person at 2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502. LEOFF Board members, presenters, and staff may attend Board meetings and Administrative Committee meetings in person or remotely.

Materials and how to attend will be posted the Monday before each meeting.

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a hybrid board meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

The Board meeting is accessible to members of the public online via Microsoft Teams (Teams), telephonically, or in person at 2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502. LEOFF Board members, presenters, and staff may attend Board meetings and Administrative Committee meetings in person or remotely.

Materials and how to attend will be posted the Monday before each meeting.