The LEOFF Plan 2 Board is responsible for providing for additional benefits for fire fighters and law enforcement officers subject to the cost limitations provided for under law. Therefore, one of the Board’s primary functions is to study policy issues. Staff provides briefings and reports as directed by the Board to assist with that process. The reports cover a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to benefit improvements, actuarial and funding policies, and health care. Some reports are considered educational in nature and serve strictly to inform members on a specific topic. Other reports may lead to proposing legislation, moving through three steps of increasing complexity and breadth. Before proposing legislation the Board directs staff to research areas of interest and present their findings. The following three steps identify the process for proposing legislation and decides whether an issue advances to the next step.
- Initial Consideration - Initial Consideration introduces the subject and provides basic facts about how it impacts the plan or members. The report and presentation serves to familiarize Board members with the subject matter.
- Comprehensive Report - The Comprehensive Report provides more detailed information to Board members and presents options to allow discussion of policy implications and consideration of further action.
- Final Proposal - The Final Proposal adds a summary to the report explaining the impact(s) of the chosen option. A cost analysis of the impact of the potential legislation is provided as well as a bill draft. The Board will review the Final Proposal in a public meeting and hear public testimony before voting to move the proposal forward to the Legislature.
A majority of Board members must agree to move the proposal forward to the Legislature.