
Dec 18, 2014
The Board is required by law to adopt member, employer, and state LEOFF Plan 2 contribution rates for the 2015-17 biennium no later than July 31, 2014. In 2004 the Board, as part of its strategic plan, set maintaining the financial integrity of the…
Dec 15, 2014

It is never too early, or too late, to start preparing for the retirement you envision. Creating a strategy for retirement can help you live with more security and fewer uncertainties – both now and after you retire. No matter what you see…

Jul 30, 2014

A new national economic impact study by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds that defined benefit pension benefits have a significant economic impact: 6.2 million American jobs and $943 billion in economic output. The…

Jun 13, 2014
LEOFF Plan 2 is the healthiest public pension plan in the country according to a new report from the Center for State and Local Government Excellence. The Center compared assets to liabilities for 150 state and local government pension plans and…
May 15, 2014
Original Article via Fitch Ratings by Rob Kozlowski While the funding ratios of U.S. state defined benefit pension plans improved in fiscal year 2013, significant challenges remain, according to…
Apr 11, 2014
wsdrs-logo_smallOriginally posted by the Department of Retirement Systems During the past week,…
Mar 25, 2014
Keeping members informed is an essential function of the LEOFF Plan 2 Board. So, in 2014 we improved our Outreach Program to include staff attendance at several statewide law enforcement and fire fighter conferences. We will be setting up a display…
Mar 4, 2014

In accordance to RCW 41.26.440, a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) will be applied to LEOFF 2 member benefits. The COLA will go into effect July 1, 2014. Questions regarding the COLA should be directed to the…

Jan 17, 2014
LEOFF 2 Board staff was invited to attend the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs (WACOPS) Winter Meeting, January 15. Director Steve Nelsen provided a…
Jan 8, 2014
The 2014 Legislative Session will convene Monday, January 13 and is scheduled to end March 12. Stay informed of issue impacting LEOFF 2 by visiting our legislation page, or follow us on Twitter.
Nov 7, 2013

The Office of the State Actuary is required to provide an annual actuarial valuation report of the LEOFF 2 Retirement Plan. The purpose of the report is to determine contribution requirements…

Jun 10, 2013
The Senate's budget was passed on June 8. The budget: 1) fully funds contribution rates adopted by the Board; and 2) does not fund the alternate revenue payment. See more legislative news.
Apr 3, 2013

The Department of Retirement Systems has posted new Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) information with an effective date of July 1, 2013. For more information on COLAs, visit their website at…