Legislation 2013

Please note that only a summary of each bill is provided. Due to the continuing difficult economic climate, the LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board did not recommend benefit proposals to the 2013 Legislature.  

Board Endorsed Bills:

HCA Technical Corrections (HB 1587)

HB 1587 (companion bill SB 5542)
Aligns the dependent age for qualifying for benefits to match the federal age of twenty-six. Aligns the terminology for domestic partners with the terminology within the LEOFF statutes (state registered domestic partner).

Status: Did not pass.

HCA Technical Corrections (SB 5542)

SB 5542 (companion bill HB 1587)
Aligns the dependent age for qualifying for benefits to match the federal age of twenty-six. Aligns the terminology for domestic partners with the terminology within the LEOFF statutes (state registered domestic partner).

Status: Did not pass.

Bills of Interest:

Excess Compensation (SSB 5392)

SSB 5392
Adds a new provision to the excess compensation statutes that would create a billing to employers if the members compensation during the final average salary (FAS) period exceeds the immediate previous five year period by more than one and one half times (150%).

Status: Did not pass.

Natural Resource Investigators (ESHB 1399)

ESHB 1399
Adds the Department of Natural Resources to the list of authorized “General authority Washington law enforcement agency” agencies. Specifically excludes natural resource investigators from membership in LEOFF Plan 2.

Status: Did not pass.

Occupational Disease Claims (SB 5125)

SB 5125
Changes eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits for future employees including LEOFF Plan 2 members.

Status: Did not pass.

Workers Compensation Benefits (SSB 5124)

SSB 5124 (companion bill HB 1464)
Changes calculation of workers’ compensation benefits for future employees including LEOFF Plan 2 members.

Status: Did not pass.

Workers Compensation Benefits (HB 1464)

HB 1464 (companion bill SB 5124)
Changes calculation of workers’ compensation benefits for future employees including LEOFF Plan 2 members.

Status: Did not pass.

Health Insurance for those Catastrophically Disabled (SB 5698)

SB 5698 (Companion bill HB 1868)
Eligibility for reimbursement of medical insurance premium costs for members of the LEOFF Plan 2 totally disabled in the line of duty is expanded from employer-provided insurance and COBRA to include any medical insurance premiums up to the amounts authorized by the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985.

Status: Did not pass.

Health Insurance for those Catastrophically Disabled (SHB 1868)

SHB 1868 (Companion bill SB 5698)
Eligibility for reimbursement of medical insurance premium costs for members of the LEOFF Plan 2 totally disabled in the line of duty is expanded from employer-provided insurance and COBRA to include members who are catastrophically disabled in the line of duty and who are not eligible for employer-sponsored medical insurance, Medicare, or coverage under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act.

Status: Passed and was signed by the Governor on May 20. Chapter 287, 2013 Laws. Effective date 7/28/2013.

Operating Budget Proposals:

2013-2015 Operating Budget Proposal (ESHB 1057)

ESHB 1057 (companion bill 2ESSB 5034)
The proposed budget bill contains provisions that do the following:

Fully funds the LEOFF Plan 2 contribution rate set by the Board. Does not fund the $10 million payment to the Local Public Safety Enhancement Account (LPSEA) due in September 2013.


Status: Did not pass

  • Does fund the Board’s budget package for an ombudsman position.
2013-2015 Operating Budget Proposal (3ESSB 5034)

3ESSB 5034 (companion bill ESHB 1057)
The budget passed by the Senate during special session contains provisions which are no different from the budget proposed during regular session. LEOFF 2 impacts are as follows:

Fully funds the LEOFF Plan 2 contribution rate set by the Board. Does not fund the $10 million payment to the Local Public Safety Enhancement Account (LPSEA) due in September 2013.

Status: Passed and was signed by the Governor on June 30

  • The Senate budget does not fund the Board’s budget package for an ombudsman position. The House budget does fund the Board’s budget package for an ombudsman position.