Board Meetings 2018

Click on a month to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

Board Meetings held during the Legislative Session are conducted via video conference. They are intended to provide Board members with updates on legislative and administrative activities.


2018 Legislative Update

  • LEOFF 2 Board Bills
  • Bills Impacting LEOFF 2

Administrative Update

  • DRS Rulemaking
  • Outreach Activities
  • Quarterly Budget Update

 Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

Board Meetings held during the Legislative Session are conducted via video conference. They are intended to provide Board members with updates on legislative and administrative activities.


2018 Legislative Update

  • LEOFF 2 Board Bill
  • Bills Impacting LEOFF 2

Administrative Update

  • DRS Rulemaking
  • Outreach Activities

 Full Packet | Audio | Minutes


  1. Approval of December 2017 - February 2018 Minutes
  2. 2018 Legislative Update
  3. 2018 Interim Planning
  4. Administrative Update
    • DRS Rulemaking
    • Outreach Activities
  5. Possible Executive Session

 Full Packet | Audio | Minutes


  1. Approval of April 2018 Minutes
  2. LEOFF Actuarial Valuation Report (LAVR) Preview 
  3. Benefit Improvement Account 
  4. Funding Method 
  5. Contribution Rate Setting Introduction 
  6. Supplemental Rate Introduction 
  7. Administrative Update
  8. Executive Director Evaluation Update
  9. Possible Executive Session

 Full Packet | Audio | Minutes