Board Meetings 2014

Click on a month to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

January 2014


  1. 2014 Legislative Update
  2. Administrative Update


Note: During session Board meetings will be held by teleconference. The public is invited to attend (see location above).


February 2014


  1. 2014 Legislative Update Administrative Update
  2. Outreach Activities
    • Staff Update
    • Trustee Email
    • Board Self-evaluation

Presentation | Minutes

March 2014


  1. Approval of Minutes
    • December 2013 through February 2014
  2. 2014 Legislative Update
  3. 2014 Interim Planning
  4. Administrative Update
    • SCPP Update
    • Outreach Activities
  5. New Board Email Accounts
  6. Board Self Evaluation Results
  7. Possible Executive Session
    • Regarding director evaluation
  8. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

April 2014

Meeting cancelled.


  1. Approval of March 26, 2014 Minutes
  2. Demographic Experience Study Education
  3. Local Government DCP Participation – Initial Consideration
  4. Final Average Salary Protection – Initial Consideration
  5. Administrative Update
    • SCPP Update and Coordination
    • Outreach Activities
    • NCPERS Life Insurance
    • October Off-site Meeting
  6. Alternate Revenue Update
  7. Annual Attorney General Training
  8. Parliamentary Procedure Review
  9. Possible Executive Session
    • Executive Director Evaluation
  10. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

 Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

June 2014


  1. Approval of May 28, 2014 Minutes
  2. DRS Benchmarking
  3. Actuarial Audit Presentation
  4. Demographic Experience Study and Valuation Results
  5. Contribution Rate Setting Process  
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Alternate Revenue – Educational Briefing  
  8. Possible Executive Session
  9. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

 Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

July 2014


  1. Approval of June 18, 2014 Minutes
  2. Funding Pension Plan Benefits  
  3. Executive Session – Potential Litigation
  4. Experience Study and Actuarial Valuation Update  
  5. Actuarial Audit Presentation 
  6. Contribution Rate Adoption – Final Proposal  
  7. Administrative Update
  8. Agenda Items for Future Meeting

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes (as corrected 12/17/14)

August 2014

Meeting cancelled.

September 2014


  1. Approval of July 23, 2014 Minutes
  2. Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) Annual Update  
  3. Health Care Authority (HCA) Technical Corrections Legislation  
  4. Department of Retirement Systems (DRS)
  5. LEOFF Financial Audit Results for Fiscal Year 2014
  6. Supreme Court Decision: Washington Education Association (WEA) v. DRS  
  7. Salary Spiking
  8. Career Extension  
  9. Administrative Update
  10. Annual Administrative Update
  11. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

 Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

October 2014

This is the Board’s annual offsite meeting. The discussion will revolve around updating the Board’s strategic plan. The public is welcome to attend.


  1. Welcome and Overview
  2. Board Expectation Review
  3. Strategic Plan Background and Accomplishments
  4. Work Session 1
  5. Work Session 2
  6. Wrap-up

Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

November 2014


  1. Approval of September 24 and October 22, 2014 Minutes 
  2. Social Security Bridge Option – Initial Consideration  
  3. Final Average Salary Protection – Comprehensive Report  
  4. Career Extension – Comprehensive Follow-up  
  5. Remarriage Prohibition – Comprehensive Follow-up  
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Report on DRS Contract Review
  8. Final Actuarial Valuation and Audit Report
  9. Adoption of 2015 Meeting Dates
  10. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

December 2014


  1. Approval of November 19, 2014 Minutes
  2. Funding Policy Discussion  
  3. Remarriage Prohibition – Final Proposal  
  4. Plan Design Outcomes – Educational Briefing  
  5. Review of Benefit Improvement Studies  
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Board Governance/Evaluation   Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes