Board Meetings 2015

Click on a month to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

Note: During session Board meetings will be held by teleconference. The public is welcome to attend (see location above).


  1. Legislative Update
    • Remarriage Prohibition
    • Other Bills of Interest
  2. Administrative Update
  3. Next Meeting

Director Nelsen provided a legislative and administrative update to the Board via video/teleconference. A quorum was not present at this meeting and no action was taken.

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes

Note: During session Board meetings will be held by teleconference. The public is welcome to attend (see location above).


  1. Legislative Update
    • Remarriage Prohibition Amendment – SHB 1194 (Executive action depending on availability of quorum)
    • Other Bills of Interest
  2. Administrative Update
    • Outreach Activities
  3. Next Meeting

Full Packet (updated 2/23/15) | Audio | Minutes

Note: During session Board meetings will be held by teleconference. The public is welcome to attend. Public wifi is available.


  1. Legislative Update
    • Remarriage Prohibition – SHB 1194
    • PEBB Technical Correction – SB 5466
    • Garnishing Pensions to Pay for Public Employee Felony Incarcerations – SB 6076
    • Forfeiture of Pension for Public Employees Convicted of a Felony While in Service – SB 6077
  2. Administrative Update
    • Outreach Activities
  3. Next Meeting: April 22

Presentation | Audio | Minutes

Note: During session Board meetings will be held by teleconference. The public is welcome to attend. Public wifi is available.


  1. Legislative Update
    • Remarriage Prohibition – SHB 1194
    • PEBB Technical Correction – SB 5466
    • Mandatory Offering of WA DCP – SB 5435
    • Garnishing Pensions to Pay for Public Employee Felony Incarcerations – SB 6076
    • Forfeiture of Pension for Public Employees Convicted of a Felony While in Service – SB 6077
  2. Administrative Update
  3. Next Meeting: May 27

Presentation | Audio | Minutes

Public wifi is available.


  1. Approval of January through April 2015 Minutes
  2. 2015 Legislative Review
  3. Interim Preview
  4. Supplemental Rate Adoption
  5. Administrative Update
    • Outreach Activities
  6. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

Public wifi is available.


  1. Approval of May 2015 Minutes
  2. Supplemental Rate Adoption
  3. Experience Study Timing
  4. Retiree Purchase of Annuity
  5. Income Leveling Options
  6. Increasing Retirement Age
  7. Disaster Response Coverage
  8. Final Legislative Update
  9. Administrative Update
    • Outreach Activities
  10. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

  Full Packet | Minutes


  1. Approval of December 2014 and June 2015 Minutes
  2. Individual Health Savings Accounts
  3. PEBB Access
  4. DRS Update and CEM Benchmarking
  5. Economic Experience Study Overview
  6. Administrative Factors
  7. Administrative Update
    • SCPP Update
    • Outreach Activities
  8. Pension Garnishment
  9. Pension Forfeiture
  10. Final Legislative Update
  11. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

  Full Packet |  Audio | Minutes

Public wifi is available.


  1. Approval of July 22, 2015 Minutes
  2. LEOFF Audit Results FY 2015
  3. Supplemental Contribution Rate Adoption
  4. Economic Experience Study [Letter] [Presentation] (updated 9/22/15) 
  5. Administrative Factors Adoption [Letter] [Presentation]
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Career Extension
  8. Disaster Response Coverage
  9. Retiree Annuity Purchase
  10. Alternate Revenue
  11. Board & Administrative Committee Elections
  12. 2015 Meeting Dates
  13. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Full Packet | Audio | Minutes  

This is the Board’s annual offsite meeting and is designed with work sessions rather than their regular business agenda.


  1. Welcome and Overview
  2. Work Session 1 – LEOFF Plan 2 Funding Method
  3. Work Session 2 – Retiree Return to Work
  4. Work Session 3 – Disaster Response Coverage
  5. Wrap-up

Full Packet | Minutes  


  1. Approval of November 18, 2015 Minutes
  2. Disaster Response Coverage
  3. Retiree Return to Work
  4. Retiree Annuity Purchase
  5. Administrative Update
  6. 2016 Calendar Adoption
  7. Agenda Items for Future Meetings

Full Packet | Audio