Board Meetings 2011

Click on a date to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

January 2011

Meeting Canceled

February 2011

Meeting Canceled

March 2011

Meeting Canceled

April 2011

Meeting Canceled

May 2011

Meeting Canceled

June 2011


  1. Approval of December 15, 2010 Minutes
  2. Supplemental Rate
  3. Legislative Update
  4. Interim Planning
  5. Administrative Update
  6. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Final Minutes

July 2011


  1. Approval of June 15, 2011 Minutes
  2. Supplemental Rate
  3. DRS Annual Update
  4. DRS CEM Benchmarking Presentation
  5. Assistant Attorney General's Report (Executive Session)
  6. Administrative Update
  7. LEOFF 1/LEOFF 2 Merger Study
  8. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Final Minutes

August 2011


  1. Approval of July 27, 2011 Minutes
  2. Negative COLA
  3. Purchase of Annuity
  4. Technical Corrections
  5. Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Resolution 23
  6. Executive Session
  7. Administrative Update
  8. State Employees Compensation Reduction
  9. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Final Minutes

September 2011


  1. Approval of August 24, 2011 Minutes
  2. Independent Audit Results
  3. Long Term Economic Assumptions
  4. Actuarial Valuation Report (AVR)
  5. Modifications to the AVR
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Strategic Plan Review
  8. WSIB Update
  9. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Final Minutes

October 2011


  1. Approval of September 28, 2011 Minutes
  2. Long Term Economic Assumptions, OSA
  3. Long Term Economic Assumptions, Initial Consideration
  4. Cafeteria Plans
  5. Duty & Catastrophic Disability Process
  6. Administrative Update
  7. Proposed 2012 Meeting Schedule
  8. Supplemental Rate
  9. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Final Minutes

November 2011


  1. Approval of October 26, 2011 Minutes
  2. Long Term Economic Assumptions & Rate Projections
  3. Long Term Economic Assumptions, Final Proposal
  4. Adoption of 2012 Meeting Schedule
  5. Administrative Update
  6. Technical Corrections, Final Proposal
  7. Interim Agenda Items

Final Minutes

December 2011

Meeting Canceled