Board Meetings 2003

Click on a date to review information and materials for each Board meeting. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these materials. See also Board Meeting Archives.

August 2003


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Election of Board Officers
  4. Overview of the LEOFF 2 Board Statute and Duties of the Board
  5. Briefing regarding the Basics of Board Membership and Operation
  6. Overview of Department of Retirement Systems
  7. Overview of State Actuary’s Office
  8. Overview of Attorney General’s Office
  9. Briefing regarding the Tasks Associated with Establishing an Agency

Final Minutes

October 2003


  1. Approval of August 29, 2003
  2. Minutes Introduction of Interim Director, Steve Nelsen
  3. Administrative Update
  4. State Investment Board Overview
  5. Introduction to the Pension Contribution Rate Setting Process
  6. Pension Contribution Rates
  7. Statutory Obligations of the Board
  8. Formation of an Administrative Sub-Committee
  9. Adoption of Future Meeting Dates

Final Minutes

November 2003


  1. Approval of October 17, 2003 Minutes
  2. Introduction of Interim Executive Assistant
  3. Election of Chair & Vice-Chair
  4. 2002 Actuarial Valuation Report
  5. Actuarial Support for the Board
  6. Adoption of Supplemental Contribution Rate
  7. Process for Bringing Forward Future Agenda Items
  8. Duty-related Disability Withdrawals
  9. Survivor Benefits for Duty-related Deaths
  10. Ethics Follow-up
  11. Administrative Update
  12. Draft Board Policies
  13. Future Agenda Items
  14. 2004 Meeting Schedule
  15. Possible Public Testimony

Final Minutes

December 2003


  1. Approval of November 19, 2003 Minutes
  2. Actuarial Value Market Corridor Legislation
  3. Adoption of Supplemental Contribution Rate
  4. Duty-related Disability Withdrawals
  5. Survivor Benefits for Duty-related Deaths
  6. Board Member Time Loss
  7. Board Member Lobbying
  8. Administrative Update
  9. Parliamentary Rules of Order
  10. 2004 Meeting Schedule

Final Minutes